Young Hyun
Research Interests
My interests in wide-area networking include
- the study of the topological and dynamical properties of BGP, the de facto inter-domain routing protocol, from the perspective of BGP table snapshots and BGP update streams,
- the active measurement of router-level and AS-level topology and RTT through traceroute-like tools (see skitter), and
- the passive collection of packet traces to understand the composition and distribution of network traffic.
I am also interested in information visualization, especially
- the visualization of large trees and graphs (see the Walrus graph visualization tool),
- the use of nonlinear magnification and other Focus+Context techniques, and
- the design of perceptually meaningful color scales, such as perceptually uniform scales, saturation and value scales, and complementary color scales (see Nonlinear Color Scales for Interactive Exploration and the [unreleased] Rainbow color scales tool).
Although not an area of my research, I've always found computer languages to be fascinating as well, especially functional languages and domain-specific languages ("little languages"). Functional and domain-specific languages are important because they can have greater expressivity than well-known general-purpose languages like C/C++/Java, leading to greater productivity for the programmer.
I also have some interest in data structures and memory management (see my bin-arrays data structure [I need a better name], which is a kind of special-purpose memory manager for efficiently working with a large number [tens of millions] of doubly-linked lists).
See my entries in the CAIDA staff papers bibliography.
Non-work Stuff
SDSC Room 329
(858) 822-3647
UC San Diego
San Diego Supercomputer Center, MC 0505
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla CA 92093-0505
Typical work hours: M-F 9:30-6:30.