
Matthew Luckie


email: mjl AT caida DOT org


Monday-Friday 08:00-17:00 NZT


I'm currently a consulting research scientist for CAIDA. Prior to that, I was an associate professor (2020-2022) and senior lecturer (2015-2019) in the Computer Science department at the University of Waikato, a research scientist (2014-2015) and a postdoc (2012-2014) at CAIDA, UC San Diego, and a lecturer (2006-2010) / senior lecturer (2011) at Waikato. I'm the author of scamper, a packet-prober used in the Ark project at CAIDA to collect IP-level Internet topology data.

Research Interests

  • Collecting and analysing router and AS-level Internet topology data, especially (1) economic relationships between ASes, (2) inferring the router-level topology, and (3) development of distributable software for collecting IP-level data.
  • Internet topology, routing, and performance in IPv6, particularly the interactions with middleboxes and future evolution.
  • Troubleshooting of IP networks, particularly TCP performance issues.
  • Deployment of Source Address Validation (BCP38) via the spoofer project.

Recent talks

  • Learning to Extract Geographic Information from Internet Router Hostnames [pdf] -- Best Presentation, CoNEXT 2021
  • Learning Regexes to Extract Network Names from Hostnames [pdf] -- AINTEC 2021
  • Learning Regexes to Extract ASNs from Hostnames [pdf] -- IMC 2020
  • Deployment of Source Address Validation in the Internet [pdf] -- CCS 2019
  • Learning Regexes to Extract Router Names from Hostnames [pdf] -- IMC 2019
  • Impact of Router Outages on the AS-level Internet [pdf] -- SIGCOMM 2017
  • bdrmap: Inference of Borders between IP Networks [pdf] -- IMC 2016
  • Software Systems for Surveying Spoofing Susceptibility [pdf] -- AusNOG / NANOG 2016
  • Blind Attacks on TCP [pdf] -- IMC 2015
  • Internet Interdomain Congestion [pdf] -- IMC 2014
  • Third-party IP addresses in traceroute [pdf] -- PAM 2014
  • AS Relationships and Customer Cones [pdf] -- IMC 2013
  • Internet-scale IPv6 Alias Resolution [pdf] -- IMC 2013


Coarse-grained Inference of BGP Community Intent [pdf]
T. Krenc, M. Luckie, A. Marder, k. claffy
Proceedings of the 23rd ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement (IMC), October 2023.

Access Denied: Assessing Physical Risks to Internet Access Networks [pdf]
A. Marder, Z. Zhang, R. K. P. Mok, R. Padmanabhan, B. Huffaker, M. Luckie, A. Dainotti, k. claffy, A. C. Snoeren, and A. Schulman
Proceedings of USENIX Security, August 2023

Stop, DROP, and ROA: Effectiveness of Defenses through the lens of DROP [pdf]
L. Oliver, G. Akiwate, M. Luckie, B. Du, k. claffy
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement (IMC), October 2022

Shoehorn: Towards Portable P4 for Low Cost Hardware [pdf]
C. Lorier, R. Nelson, M. Luckie, M. Barcellos
Proceedings of IFIP Networking, June 2022

Deployment of Source Address Validation by Network Operators: A Randomized Control Trial [pdf]
Q. Lone, A. Frik, M. Luckie, M. Korczynski, M. van Eeten, and C. Ganan
Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (IEEE S&P), May 2022

On the Latency Impact of Remote Peering [pdf]
F. Mazzola, P. Marcos, I. Castro, M. Luckie, and M. Barcellos
Proceedings of the 23rd Passive and Active Measurement (PAM) Conference, March 2022

Learning to Extract Geographic Information from Internet Router Hostnames [pdf] [code] [data]
M. Luckie, B. Huffaker, A. Marder, Z. Bischof, M. Fletcher, and k. claffy
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (ACM CoNEXT), December 2021

Learning Regexes to Extract Network Names from Hostnames [pdf] [code] [data]
M. Luckie, A. Marder, B. Huffaker, and k. claffy
Proceedings of Asian Internet Engineering Conference (AINTEC), December 2021

Inferring Regional Access Network Topologies: Methods and Applications [pdf]
Z. Zhang, A. Marder, R. Mok, B. Huffaker, M Luckie, k. claffy, and A. Schulman
Proceedings of the 21st ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement (IMC), November 2021

Helix: Traffic Engineering for Multi-Controller SDN [pdf]
N.F. Zaicu, M. Luckie, R. Nelson, and M. Barcellos
Proceedings of the Symposium on SDN Research (ACM SOSR), October 2021

Learning to Extract and Use ASNs in Hostnames [pdf] [code] [data]
M. Luckie, A. Marder, M. Fletcher, B. Huffaker, k. claffy
Proceedings of the 20th ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement (IMC), October 2020

vrfinder: Finding Outbound Addresses in Traceroute [pdf]
A. Marder, M. Luckie, B. Huffaker, k. claffy
Proceedings of ACM SIGMETRICS, June 2020

Towards Transforming OpenFlow Rulesets to Fit Fixed-Function Pipelines [pdf]
R. Sanger, M. Luckie, R. Nelson
Proceedings of the Symposium on SDN Research (ACM SOSR), March 2020

Challenges in Inferring Spoofed Traffic at IXPs [pdf]
L. Muller, M. Luckie, B. Huffaker, k. claffy, M. Barcellos
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (ACM CoNEXT), December 2019

Network Hygiene, Incentives, and Regulation: Deployment of Source Address Validation in the Internet [pdf]
M. Luckie, R. Beverly, R. Koga, K. Keys, J. Kroll, k. claffy
Proceedings of ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), November 2019

Learning Regexes to Extract Router Names from Hostnames [pdf] [code] [data]
M. Luckie, B. Huffaker, k. claffy
Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement (IMC), October 2019

Identifying equivalent SDN forwarding behaviour [pdf]
R. Sanger, M. Luckie, R. Nelson
Proceedings of the Symposium on SDN Research (ACM SOSR), April 2019

Characterising the Limits of the OpenFlow Slow-Path [pdf]
R. Sanger, B. Cowie, M. Luckie, R. Nelson
Proceedings of the 4th IEEE NFV-SDN Conference, November 2018

Pushing the Boundaries with bdrmapIT: Mapping Router Ownership at Internet Scale [pdf]
A. Marder, M. Luckie, A. Dhamdhere, B. Huffaker, J. Smith, k. claffy
Proceedings of the 18th ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement (IMC), November 2018

Inferring Persistent Interdomain Congestion [pdf]
A. Dhamdhere, D. D. Clark, A. Gamero-Garrido, M. Luckie, R. K. P. Mok, K. Gogia, V. Bajpai, A. C. Snoeren, k. claffy
Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM, August 2018 (Best Paper)

Using Crowdsourcing Marketplaces for Network Measurements: The Case of Spoofer [pdf]
Q. Lone, M. Luckie, M. Korczynski, H. Asghari, M. Javed, M. van Eeten
Proceedings of the 2nd Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA), June 2018

The Record Route Option is an Option! [pdf]
B. Goodchild, Y. Chiu, R. Hansen, H. Lu, M. Calder, M. Luckie, W. Lloyd, D. Choffnes, and E. Katz-Bassett
Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement (IMC), November 2017

The Impact of Router Outages on the AS-level Internet [pdf] [code]
M. Luckie and R. Beverly
Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM, August 2017

Using Loops Observed in Traceroute to Infer the Ability to Spoof [pdf]
Q. Lone, M. Luckie, M. Korczynski, and M. van Eeten
Proceedings of the 18th Passive and Active Measurement (PAM 2017) Conference, March 2017

bdrmap: Inference of Borders Between IP Networks [pdf] [code]
M. Luckie, A. Dhamdhere, B. Huffaker, D. Clark, and k claffy
Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement (IMC), November 2016

Don't Forget to Lock the Back Door! A Characterization of IPv6 Network Security Policy [pdf] [code]
J. Czyz, M. Luckie, M. Allman, and M. Bailey
Proceedings of the Network and Distributed Systems Security (NDSS) Conference, February 2016

A Server-to-Server View of the Internet [pdf]
B. Chandrasekaran, G. Smaragdakis, A. Berger, M. Luckie, and K.C. Ng
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (ACM CoNEXT), December 2015

Mapping Peering Interconnections to a Facility [pdf]
V. Giotsas, G. Smaragdakis, B. Huffaker, M. Luckie, and k claffy
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (ACM CoNEXT), December 2015 (Best Paper)

Resilience of Deployed TCP to Blind Attacks [pdf] [code]
M. Luckie, R. Beverly, T. Wu, M. Allman, k claffy
Proceedings of the 15th ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement (IMC), pp. 13-26, October 2015 (Best Paper)

Measuring and Characterizing IPv6 Router Availability [pdf] [code]
R. Beverly, M. Luckie, L. Mosley, k claffy
Proceedings of the 16th Passive and Active Measurement (PAM 2015) Conference, New York, March 2015

IPv6 AS Relationships, Clique, and Congruence [pdf]
V. Giotsas, M. Luckie, B. Huffaker, k claffy
Proceedings of the 16th Passive and Active Measurement (PAM 2015) Conference, New York, March 2015

Challenges in Inferring Internet Interdomain Congestion [pdf]
M. Luckie, A. Dhamdhere, D. Clark, B. Huffaker, k claffy
Proceedings of the 14th ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement (IMC), pp. 15-21, November 2014

Inferring Complex AS Relationships [pdf]
V. Giotsas, M. Luckie, B. Huffaker, and k claffy
Proceedings of the 14th ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement (IMC), pp. 23-29, November 2014

Spurious Routes in Public BGP Data [pdf]
M. Luckie
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, 44(3), pp. 15-21, July 2014

A Second Look at Detecting Third-party Addresses in Traceroute Traces with the IP Timestamp Option [pdf] [code]
M. Luckie and k claffy
Proceedings of the 15th Passive and Active Measurement (PAM 2014) Conference, pp. 46-55, Los Angeles, March 2014

Inferring Multilateral Peering [pdf]
V. Giotsas, S. Zhou, M. Luckie, and k claffy
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (ACM CoNEXT), pp. 247-258, December 2013

AS Relationships, Customer Cones, and Validation [pdf]
M. Luckie, B. Huffaker, A. Dhamdhere, V. Giotsas, and k claffy
Proceedings of the 13th ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement (IMC), pp. 243-256, October 2013

Speedtrap: Internet-scale IPv6 Alias Resolution [pdf] [code]
M. Luckie, R. Beverly, W. Brinkmeyer, and k claffy
Proceedings of the 13th ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement (IMC), pp. 119-126, October 2013

Internet-Scale IPv4 Alias Resolution with MIDAR [pdf]
K. Keys, Y. Hyun, M. Luckie, and k claffy
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 21 (2), pp. 383-399, April 2013
Bonus material: Tribute video

IPv6 Alias Resolution via Induced Fragmentation [pdf]
R. Beverly, W. Brinkmeyer, M. Luckie, J.P. Rohrer
Proceedings of the 14th Passive and Active Measurement (PAM 2013) Conference, pp. 155-165, Hong Kong, March 2013

Measuring the Deployment of IPv6: Topology, Routing and Performance [pdf]
A. Dhamdhere, M. Luckie, B. Huffaker, k.c. claffy, A. Elmokashfi, E. Aben
Proceedings of the 12th ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement (IMC), pp. 537-559, Boston, USA, November 2012

Revealing MPLS tunnels obscured from traceroute [pdf]
B. Donnet, M. Luckie, P. Merindol, J-J Pansiot
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, 42 (2), pp. 87-93, April 2012

MERLIN: MEasure the Router Level of the INternet
P. Merindol, B. Donnet, J-J Pansiot, M. Luckie, Y. Hyun
Proceedings of the 7th Euro-NF Conference on Next Generation Internet (NGI), June 2011

Measured Impact of Crooked Traceroute [pdf]
M. Luckie, A. Dhamdhere, k.c. claffy, D. Murrell
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, 41 (1), pp. 14-21, January 2011

Measuring Path MTU Discovery Behaviour [pdf] [code]
M. Luckie and B. Stasiewicz
Proceedings of the 10th ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement (IMC), Melbourne, Australia, pp. 102-108, November 2010

Scamper: a Scalable and Extensible Packet Prober for Active Measurement of the Internet [pdf] [code]
M. Luckie
Proceedings of the 10th ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement (IMC), Melbourne, Australia, pp. 239-245, November 2010

Traceroute probe method and forward IP path inference [pdf]
M. Luckie, Y. Hyun, and B. Huffaker
Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement (IMC), Vouliagmeni, Greece, pp. 311-324, October 2008

Analysis of ICMP Quotations [pdf]
D. Malone and M. Luckie
Proc. Passive and Active Measurement, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 4427, pp. 228-232, April 2007

Per-hop Internet Measurement Protocols
M. Luckie, PhD Thesis, The University of Waikato, 2007

Inferring and Debugging Path MTU Discovery Failures [pdf] [code]
M. Luckie, K. Cho, and B. Owens
Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGCOMM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC), pp. 193-198, October 2005

Identifying IPv6 Network Problems in the Dual-Stack World [pdf]
K. Cho, M. Luckie, and B. Huffaker
Proceedings of ACM/SIGCOMM Network Troubleshooting Workshop 2004, pp. 283-288, August 2004

Path Diagnosis with IPMP [pdf]
M. Luckie and A. McGregor
Proceedings of ACM/SIGCOMM Network Troubleshooting Workshop 2004, pp. 259-264, August 2004

IPMP: IP Measurement Protocol
M. Luckie and A. McGregor
Proceedings of Passive and Active Measurement Workshop 2002, pp. 168-176, April 2002

Towards Improving Packet Probing Techniques [pdf]
M. Luckie, A. McGregor, and H.-W. Braun
Proceedings of ACM/SIGCOMM Internet Measurement Workshop 2001, pp. 145-150, November 2001


  • TPC member for IMC 2022, IMC 2020, PAM 2020, TMA 2020, SIGMETRICS 2020, IMC 2019, PAM 2019, TMA 2019, IMC 2018, TMA 2018, PAM 2018, PAM 2016, IMC 2015, C2B(I)D 2015, WNM 2014, PAM 2014 and TMA 2014
  • TPC co-chair for IMC 2021
  • RTF member for PAM 2022
  • Reviewer for IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, IEEE Security and Privacy, PAM 2011 (external), Elsevier Computer Networks, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management


  • RFC7514: Really Explicit Congestion Notification (RECN)
  • My notes from configuring a FreeBSD router for native IPv6 on Time Warner Cable
  • Student evaluations for my teaching activities:
Last Modified June 01, 2024